Pisa Pillocks


We visited Pisa over the weekend and it was quite funny to watch all of the tourists pull various poses and gestures, trying to capture the perfect selfie with the leaning tower. I’d love to see how that one guys effort worked with the empty ice cream cone.

When we first arrived, we sheepishly persuaded Nicola to try a few poses herself – a few quick hands in the air, take the shot and move on. What was interesting however, as we looked around and realised that no one really gave a flying hoot what we did, we soon relaxed into the process and made a bunch of poses that, yes, made us look just as ridiculous as everyone else, but we didn’t care. Not one jot.

And we came away with huge smiles on our faces and a few memories to boot.

Quite interesting how, if we allow them, we can let others dictate the process in our art. We don’t post certain images for fear of ridicule or don’t even try. Instead we play it safe. Go to the well known photography honeypots, make an image that’s been made thousands of times before, and then bask briefly in the pool of social media endorphins.

Well I say, we need to be more like those Pisa Pillocks when thinking about our art. Ignore those pointing and shaking their head. Make our art like no one is watching. Have a little more fun once in a while.

At the very least we will have a heck of a lot more fun and possibly come away with an image or two that resonates deeply with us.

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