The non plans …


One of the things we have become accustomed to while living, travelling and working on the road, is that plans made have to be very fluid. At the moment we are north of the Mani Peninsula (Peloponnese), with quite a few dots on the map to be explored. Balancing sights with work, along with ensuring we are also keeping on top of our fitness, as well as factoring in a down day here and there meant that our plans for the upcoming days have changed more than once.

This change of plans has resulted in today being more a work day, but with a nice early morning 5k run and sea dip thrown in for good measure. In a bit we will leave our beachside park-up and head into the village for a re-supply, before returning later in the afternoon to this wonderful stretch of coastline for a bit more work, and most likely another sea dip.

Not too shabby I say.

Until next time, Happy Pixels ..

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