Unplanned Plans


The plan was simple. Get up. Pack Up. Drive the 3 hours to Brindisi. Re-stock, and then board our ferry to Greece. Simple, right?

Plans however, especially while travelling full time, have a habit of hearing what you have said, and then promptly laughing in your general direction.

We had just left a rest stop, getting ourselves back on the Autostrade, and I noticed that the steering was a little, well strange. I immediately remember what our mechanic had told me as we drove away from his garage in January.

“If there’s an issue with the belt you will loose power steering”

I pulled over and sure enough, battery light came on. Oh pants !

To cut a long, and pretty stressful next few hours short, we manage to get a tow to the nearest VW garage where they promptly berated me (at least I think that is what they were saying) for not having genuine VW parts.

Molto costoso, buon uomo

And so, that is why we find ourselves currently still in Italy. Still 3 hours away from Brindisi, and still awaiting further news from the garage.

Then again, every cloud and all that – the village we are stranded in is rather nice indeed. I hear James Bond sometimes frequents these parts.

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