Did it really happen if I didn’t press the shutter ?

Out for an early morning run, I went to hit “go” on the watch and realised the battery was flat. No worries, I thought—I would just record the run using the app on my iPhone. Music on, I pounded the streets to the end of the little village we are staying close to. Happy vibes.Continue reading “Did it really happen if I didn’t press the shutter ?”

Its always blue hour

Since arriving in Greece over a month ago the colour blue has featured heavily in my photography. It’s difficult to avoid it. Barely a cloud in the sky. The most incredible blue water in the ocean. I even saw someone order a particularly blue cocktail the other afternoon and it looked like someone had justContinue reading “Its always blue hour”

Wrinkled ..

Typing this as I dry off from a 3rd, or was that 4th, sea dip of the day – fingers all wrinkled like I’ve just spent the last 4 days in a bath. Funny, living by the coast of Portrush for seven years, I wasn’t quite as keen, with probably my skin touching the oceanContinue reading “Wrinkled ..”

Late one summers eve

Late one summers eve … It was all going so well. A rather humid summers evening somewhere in the flat lands of Cambridge. Taking my time, just ambling through this glorious field of poppies, the aroma almost as intoxicating as the sight. Soft back lit reds and yellows. It was an area I had notedContinue reading “Late one summers eve”


We have been on a campsite for the past 5 days, and plan to be here for a few days more. The atmosphere is what one would call chilled, with a heavy dose of hippy. Just perfect for catching up on a few bits and bobs. Over the past 100 days my time has beenContinue reading “Routine”

And so the end has come

#The100DayProject 100 days ago I decided to kick my creativity up a notch by committing to the 100 Day Project. This would involve And I’m pleased to say that’s exactly what I did. And what did it do for my creativity? Well I think I’ll need a few days to decompress and consider the pastContinue reading “And so the end has come”

Habit Forming

#The100DayProject How quickly something can become a habit. The norm. Not remembering the last time you didn’t do it. Back in 2020, Nicola started to do daily sea dips in Portrush. Despite the obvious endorphin rush it brought her, there was little to no chance I would be joining her. Since arriving in Greece, however,Continue reading “Habit Forming”

Passing through

#The100DayProject It’s been a hot and humid couple of days. The feeling of something building on the horizon. And today the humid bubble burst with an almighty bang, closely followed by the first rain we have seen in months. It’s left everything clean and fresh, the atmosphere clear as the sea water here in Greece.Continue reading “Passing through”

Beauty in the mundane

#The100DayProject Looking down at my feet never felt so dam good. Help Support My Work  Enjoy this content. You can help support my work by purchasing a print here or if you like leave a small donation here. You can also follow my journey via my newsletter by signing up here. By the way, all of myContinue reading “Beauty in the mundane”

Creative Thinking

#The100DayProject Creative thinking is an invaluable skill that drives innovation and problem-solving. Here are five key points to help enhance your creative thinking: By practicing divergent thinking, embracing ambiguity, utilizing analogical thinking, challenging assumptions, and fostering playfulness, you can significantly enhance your creative thinking skills. These strategies will help you approach problems with a freshContinue reading “Creative Thinking”