Its always blue hour

Since arriving in Greece over a month ago the colour blue has featured heavily in my photography. It’s difficult to avoid it. Barely a cloud in the sky. The most incredible blue water in the ocean. I even saw someone order a particularly blue cocktail the other afternoon and it looked like someone had just gone down to the tideline and scooped up a glass full.

Actually later when I saw the chap in the toilet he did look like he may have just consumed a lot of sea water. I guess cocktails at 11am don’t sit well later in the day. Although the other evening Nicola decided to to get one as a nightcap. Her first cocktail since arriving in Greece, clearly forgetting that measures here are significantly more generous than back in Northern Ireland.

I blame Brexit. Although that could be said for a lot of things.

The following morning we came for coffee. Nicola mostly moaning that the barman tried to kill her the previous evening. Said barman with a mischievous look in his eye.

And just like that my mind has wandered, again. Wasn’t this supposed to be about ‘blue hour?’

Perhaps next time … Happy Pixels ..

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